In a groundbreaking meeting held in Abuja, Mr. Zheng Xiaopeng, the Chairman and CEO of Africa China News, met with Mr. Ojinnaka Obi Asika, the Director General of the National Council for Arts and Culture(NCAC), to peruse a possible collaboration between the two organizations.
The meeting was aimed at ensuring collaboration between Africa China News (ACN) and the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) in promoting and bridging cultural gaps between China and African countries.
In attendance at the meeting were key officials of NCAC, including Dr. Victor Ordu, the Special Adviser to the DG, Dr. Dennis Olofu, Head of Media, and Mr. Idris Ibrahim, the Personal Assistant to the DG, among others.
In his brief address at the meeting, Mr. Ojinnaka Obi Asika, the Director General of the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), commended the efforts of the CEO of ACN in promoting African, particularly the Nigerian culture while highlighting the significance of cultural exchanges and its benefits to China and Africa.
The meeting resulted in a call to action, with the DG indicating interest in developing trade relationships with manufacturers and suppliers in China to domesticate products in Nigeria, particularly in Abia State. Plans were also put in place to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mr. Zheng Xiaopeng, to serve as a nexus with suppliers and industries in China.
Further, following the five minutes interview granted the DG by Mr. Zheng Xiaopeng of Africa China News on how to promote the cultures of both countries in the upcoming NAFEST 2024 events, both parties resolved that Africa China News will be a major participant in the forthcoming NCAC events, including the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFEST 2024) from November 22 to 30 and the International Arts and Crafts Expo (INAC 2024), from November 18 to 30.
It is hoped that this groundbreaking meeting between the Chairman/CEO of Africa China News (ACN) and the Director General of the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) will lead to greater collaborations and create new trade and cultural exchanges and possibilities not only for Nigeria and China but also between China and Africa as a whole.